SEO setting in blogger!! ब्लॉगर में एसईओ सेटिंग !!

            》SEP Setting in blogger 》

Top  Blog-spot Seo Settings To Push Your Rank On Any Search Engine: 

At the point when we talk about SEO, the absolute first thing which you have to remember is: We can control nearby and off-site SEO. On-Page SEO is secured by you, which incorporates article quality, how well it's enhanced for Keyword and meta esteem for that article. we will talk about Blogspot posting settings also 

Top Blogspot SEO Settings 

So here are top Blog-spot (blogger) SEO settings by applying these procedures you will have the option to rank your website on the main page of any internet searcher. however, keep in your brain Content is lord alongside these off-page SEO setting of Blog-spot you should be recognized about the fundamental off-page SEO and your substance must be SEO well disposed then you will have the option to rank your webpage at the primary page of any web index 

Additionally Read: How To Create Blog On Blogger 

Thus, today we will assess fundamental and latest Blog-spot(blogger) by applying these settings you will have the option to rank your Blog-spot blogger webpage in 2020 

Blogspot most recent 2020 SEO settings: 

before we go to the further SEO settings, you should know about SEO, and it's sorts. Here are the main 5 Seo Ranking Factors If Your Site SEO isn't right at that point, Your Site Will Never Rank in any Search motor, and You won't get any Traffic. so above all else solid your of page and on-page SEO 

Here are the top Blog-spot SEO settings in 2020: 

1-Basic Settings 

Title of your blog 

Portrayal of your blog 

internet searcher protection settings 

2-Language and Formatting settings 


Empower Transliteration 

Time region 

Date Header Format 

3-Search Preferences 

Meta Description 

Mistake And Redirections 

Google search reassure 

Custom Robot.txt 

Custom Robot Header Tags 

4-User settings 

About the Author 

5-Blogspot Posting Settings: 

Significance of mark 



Search Description 


So these generally normal and imperative Blog-spot (blogger) SEO settings to rank your webpage (Keep in your brain Incorrect utilization of these highlights can bring about your blog being overlooked via web crawlers) Let investigate these important settings individually. 

Blog-spot (Blogger) Basic SEO Settings: 

1-How To Set Blog-spot Title And Description: 

The title of your blog must be succinct and composed justifiably. Try not to use over words or any additional data to make it wonderful simply exact your data in the title (65 characters most extreme) 

The depiction of your blog must be characterized quickly and entirely reasonable way. as appeared in the given figure underneath. Portrayal of your Blog-spot blog must be depicted effectively as indicated by your specialty. Attempt to include your focused on watchwords in Description And Title also for better Seo practice. 

blogspot website design enhancement setting board 

Go to Settings of your Blogger > Bssic> Then change Your title and depiction According to client needs. 

Web crawler Privacy: After composing think about Title and enlightening (depiction) the third thing is generally popular for your Blog-spot blog ensure your Privacy noticeable to the web index is ticked as "yes" in the event that you check your protection "No" it implies you are not permitting any internet searcher to creep your site. 

2-Language And Formatting Setting: 

This is another significant setting as Title And Description. Ensure that you don't embed to enter and wrong data in light of the fact that the vast majority of the blogger need to traffic from their focused on nations, so they set their language designing setting as indicated by that focused nation, so this is the exceptionally off-base practice in SEO Prospectus ensure you enter compose language and time region data to rank your webpage at any web index. 

blogspot web optimization setting board 

Straightforward go to Blog-spot settings>Language and arranging and set up your language and date. as I referenced above, I am from Pakistan, so I set up my date and time as indicated by my nation. Look at your nation time region and arrangement Here. 

3-Search Preferences: 

Here is the most significant SEO Blog-spot (blogger ) setting; you can't overlook these settings. Since these settings contain a portion of the critical SEO settings like MetaDescribtion, Robot.txt, custom robot header any a lot more top Seo settings. today I will assess with you these settings individually 

blogspot meta labels seting board 

Goto Blog-spot settings> Search Preferences 

1-What Is Meta Tags (Description): 

Before going to encourage SEO settings first, you should Know What is Meta Description? In this way, Let take a Practical Example Go to Google and Search Hacking fever, and You Will See their site meta depiction under of site title As I demonstrated you beneath on the picture. The Description Appear In the Red Box that is called Meta Description. This is the most significant thing from the SEO point of view. Tips of include meta portrayal are Your focused on Keyword should empower on meta depiction. Furthermore, This meta depiction ought to be written in a courteous manner (no compelling reason to include graphic data) simply portray your site point and include a portion of your focused on catchphrases at that point distribute it. 

meta depiction 

Step by step instructions to Add Meta Description: 

Goto your Blogger (Blog-spot account) 

Settings>Search Preferences Here you discover Description (under Meta labels Title) 

You will see their case showed up under the depiction. 

compose your significant Meta Description on it 


blogspot meta desciption 

2-Custom Page Not Found: 

What is the custom page not found? Do you have a thought regarding a custom page? try not to stress, let me clear you the real idea of custom page not found. Assume you have composed a blog entry and for reasons unknown, you erase that blog entry and this specific blog entry is positioned on google or any web index when clients click on that connect they will found (404 blunder) it will contrarily affect on your webpage and the client will ricochet again from your site. At the point when clients ricochet back, your positioning will consequently diminish, So Custom page not discovered is an exceptionally major SEO setting a large portion of the bloggers to overlook it. 

So what sort of code would it be a good idea for me to add on my custom Page not discovered box? Worry don't as well, I will furnish you with that code. 

blogspot custom page not found 

Code: <a h ref="Your Homepage Url" target="_blank">Error 404 Page Not Found</a> 

<p>Currently this Page isn't Found<a h ref="Your Home Page URL" target="_blank">Home page</a> 

Simply duplicate this given code and glue it into your URL (your landing page URL) and snap on spare changes. It's finished 

3-Custom Robot.txt: 

This is originating from one of the huge SEO settings Robot.txt It is essentially a document which manages any web index crawler. At whatever point crawlers read your site, robot.txt record will permit those crawlers to peruse which part of your site. This is the Important Part of Blogger SEO Or any Website SEO. In the event that You Do Wrong, at that point Your Scan is dismissed by the crawlers. By utilizing this element, You can Disallow Search motors to Crawl Your Website, And, in the event that you need to utilize it, at that point Copy the Below Code and Paste it in Custom Robots.txt. 

blogspot robot.txt setting 

Code:User-operator: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: 

Client operator: * 




Glue Your site Link Under "https://www." and press Save changes button. 

4-Custom Robot Header.txt: 

It's likewise considered as the most significant SEO setting. In the event that you disregard these settings, the remainder of the settings are nothing. This will support a great deal on the off chance that you Do this Correct. Anyway, so How to embed these Header labels? I have given you the picture underneath look at it and don't transform it bu client self. 

blogspot header labels settings 

Landing page:- Option, We Choose Option All methods You Allow Search motors to Fully Index Your blog Homepage. 

File and Pages:- Option, You have to Select (no record) and (no file) since We Did not permit Search motors to list. Since THE connection of the Article of Archive or Search Pages is not the same as Original Article interface. 

Default Post and Pages:- Here Click On All and afterward snap to Save Settings button. Presently All Option is Done in Custom Robots Header Tags. 

5-client Setting: 

The last Blog-spot SEO setting is a client setting. It isn't the most significant as different settings . in the client setting, you simply give your (proprietor) subtleties like Name, Email and contact data, and so on. I prescribed you to include these settings and make it more alluring for clients. 

Blogspot client settings 

Simply click on alter post and compose your own data on it. 

So here is the finish of this blog entry. Peruser client, we are here for you, so I trust this article is useful for you to keep associated with Knowledge yell in the event that you have some other question in regards to settings, it would be ideal if you don't hesitate to remark underneath. 

Here you have set your all Blogspot string segment. Presently move in the direction of the posting SEO segment. This segment is as significant as settings area is significant 

Blogspot Posting Section SEO Settings: 

Blogspot Posting Seo settings 

As should be obvious Blogspot posting area SEO settings on the above screen captures. so let assess these settings individually. 

Significance Of Labels In Blogging: 

This most significant setting of Blogspot. without this setting, your client experience may lose yet in addition Search motor through the Breadcrumbs Error. Marks help you yo make classes of your post. as should be obvious in the above picture this blog spot present is connected on SEO and blogging that is the reason I include a mark here SEO, Blogging. 

I prescribed you to Add names identified with your post it likewise encourages internet searcher to slither your webpage in classification astute and it additionally causes clients to discover related subjects 


Permalinks are basically we can say the URL your post. Ensure the URL of the post is short and simple. Abstain from utilizing breaking words like "and", "our", "to" in permalinks, Also maintain a strategic distance from to make Lengthy URLs keep URL short. try not to utilize breaking words. 

For best practice include your focused on watchword your post URL.